The Record numbering within most modules in Community Development (formerly CivicGov) starts with the 2-digit year and contains a hyphen followed by a 4-digit code. At the beginning of each calendar year, the record numbers start at 0001. For example, the first record number for 2022 within each module would be formatted as 22-0001.
Some record numbers such as permit numbers can be entered manually by the customer. Zoning permit numbers are assigned a Z as a prefix. Those types of permits appear as Z22-0001
Project Records
Project/Planning and Zoning Board Records contain a prefix to identify the department responsible for the record. Large projects are identified as PJ-16-0001, planning board records are identified as PB-16-0001 and zoning board records as ZB-16-0001.
Certificate Numbers
Certificate numbers are controlled by a separate certificate database numbering system but can be displayed to print the same number as any related permit number.
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