Payments can be applied to invoices using the Public Portal, Fees Tab, or Invoicing System.
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Public Portal Payment
Public users can make payments using the Public Portal.
Apply a Payment on the Fees Tab
- Sign in to your site
Navigate to the module, select List, and select the record you wish to modify
- Click Edit (Permitting & Project Systems only)
- Navigate to the Fees tab
- Scroll down and select the Invoice Number link
- Scroll down to the Payments For The Invoice section and enter the information
- Click Save Invoice
Apply a Payment in the Invoicing System
- Sign in to your site
Navigate to the Invoicing System menu and select Invoices
- Select the Invoice
- Scroll down to the Payments For The Invoice section and enter the information
- Click Save Invoice
Confirm Credit Card Payments
- Open the invoice using either the invoice system or from within the fee tab of the associated application.
- Scroll to the payment section of the invoice. Within the payment area, the payor will be identified as CP Pay (Portal Payment), and in the payment method, the approval number will be displayed. The Receipt # field will also contain the number returned from the payment processor.
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