This article will show you how to add a new Project against a Parcel.
Add a Project Application
- Sign in to your site
- Navigate to Projects System and select Add Record
On the pop-up screen, Search for the Parcel
- Select the parcel and click Add Project
- Select the Project Type and Project Use from the drop-downs
Note: The permit type and permit use fields are related. The permit use drop-down will change based on the permit type selected. - Enter the Applicant Information, if the applicant is the same as the owner, select Click Here to copy owner information
- If the project has a contractor associated with it, select the Contractor from the contractor licensing system, or add a new contractor to the licensing system for use
- If needed, select the appropriate Code Book for the project
- Click Save Project
Note: The project application has now been saved to the system. The project will be routed to the required departments or staff based on the workflow and collaboration settings implemented during the initial configuration of the system. Complete the remaining steps to continue processing the record on to approval or rejection.
Edit an Existing Project
- Sign in to your site
Navigate to Projects System and select Search and select a record
- Click Edit
Configure project fields on the Applicant tab, as needed
- Project Number: The Project number field is automatically generated by the system which keeps track of every project number issued. Users can override this record and enter their own project number, however, it is suggested that the manually entered project number should be populated to this field before the application is approved to be a project so that the autonumbering does not apply and wastes an internally generated project number.
- Parent Project Number: This drop-down allows you to tie the record to a parent project
- Project Date: This field will auto-populate once a project application is approved either manually or once the required application routing process has been completed and approved by the final review authority. Users can also manually enter this date when entering old project records.
- Expiration Date: This field is set by the default settings established by the user's administrator during setup. The system will add 6, 12, 18, or 24 months from the time the project application is approved. These dates can also be backdated when entering old project records.
- Renew Date: This is set by the user if a project has expired and the customer decides to renew the permit. After issuing a renewal date, the user should set the expiration date to match accordingly.
- Signatory Title: The signatory title field is used to identify the title of the person issuing the approval and placard. In many municipalities, staff have multiple titles. The signatory title allows the issuing user to select what title is needed for the specific record.
Navigate through the remaining tabs and fill out as needed:
- Property: Fill out property information for the record
Structure: Add structure information
- Parcels: View and add parcel information to the project
Contractors: Manage or add additional contractors to the project
- Inspections: Add and schedule inspections. Inspections should only be added once a project application is approved.
- Checklist: Add and view project checklists
- Insurance: Review and add any necessary insurance data
- Contacts: View associated contacts for the record and add additional contacts if needed
- Affidavits: File any necessary affidavits
Certificates: Add and manage certificates for the project
- Fees: Add and manage fees, create invoices, and apply payments to the application
- Bonds: View and add bonds to the project
- Escrow: Add and manage escrow accounts
Documents: Attach files to the record, if needed
- Related Permits: After the project application is approved, you can link related permits
- Related Projects: View project records related to this one. This information will pull from the "Parent Project" field on the Applicant tab of the record.
Status: The Status tab is used to control the routing of various applications to the required departments for review and approval prior to the application being approved
Forms: View the forms that were filled out via the Portal application process
- Meeting Minutes: Add and manage meetings for the project
- Adjacent / Proximity: Search for and add adjacent parcels to this project’s parcel
- Questions & Answers: This tab allows staff to track any questions received concerning the project and the answers provided to the questions
Conditions: Add or view any specific conditions imposed against the project
- Variances: Add or view any code/variance against the project
- Property: Fill out property information for the record
- Click Save Project
- Select Print Menu to print the project application, placard, or any other related document
Approve a Project Application
A project application can be approved in one of two ways:
By following the established automated routing of the project application, once approval is granted by the final review authority using the Status tab, the system will automatically change the status field to approve and issue a project number.
- By manually approving a record on the Applicant tab
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