The Structure tab contains details about the subject structure for the current permit/project record. If existing data for this parcel is available the link will appear. By clicking this link, any data maintained at the parcel level for this property can be populated to all the fields under this tab, saving the user from typing all the data.
The Structure Type field is a drop-down list of the nationally recognized building structure types in the International Building Code (IBC) codes. These codes can be modified during setup or by system administrators. This field can provide critical data required by many state year-end reports.
Living Space, Accessory Building, and Accessory Structure Calculations
This area of the Structure tab allows the user to add various floors under the living structure. Five floors are automatically added but do not have to be used. The accessory buildings and structures areas allow staff to add values for garages, sheds, barns other buildings, and structures such as decks, patios, stoops, and porches.
Data entered will automatically be totaled at the bottom of the section. The data entered and saved in this section is pushed back to the parcel, building, or suite records.
Foundation & Setbacks
Note the Foundation Material / Type as well as any Setback information.
Utility & Miscellaneous
Select the applicable utilities for the structure. Note any information such as driveway width and sprinkler systems.
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